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Twelve Ways of Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Ann Plans Team!

Thank you for being part of making this year fun and memorable. The Ann Plans team is grateful to have you in our network!

We hope you are enjoying a holiday season with a nice mix of meaningful traditions, opportunities to relax and recharge, and perhaps some new ways of giving and receiving. This past week has been filled with some of my favorite traditions including delivering client holiday gifts, the New Standards Holiday Show, cookie baking, and the Run N Fun holiday lights run.

In celebration of the season, read on for some of the ways our team embraces the magic of the holidays!

Twelve Ways of Christmas

Sing along with us: “On the twelfth day of Christmas, the Ann Plans team gave to me… Twelve Ways of Christmas!”

  1. Relax with the classics. The holidays don’t seem complete without the ritual of watching favorite seasonal movies. Our team loves “White Christmas,” “Love Actually,” “Christmas in Connecticut,” “Elf,” and “Christmas Vacation.”
  2. Home alone? Do you know someone who might be spending the holidays alone? Reach out and invite them to be part of your gathering.
  3. Take in the lights. Whether on foot or in the car, there are so many opportunities to immerse ourselves in the wonder of light displays. The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum’s holiday lights show is on our team’s list to check out this year.
  4. Be active in connecting. Earlier this month, a client made the wonderful suggestion that we meet for a run in lieu of our scheduled happy hour. Consider catching up over a walk or ice skating, and get your fitness in at the same time.
  5. Make a date with yourself. Block out time on your calendar to pamper yourself with something that feels relaxing and special. This might be a massage, time to binge read a page-turner, or a quiet walk in the snow.
  6. Pick up the phone. Between now and the end of the year, take time each day to call someone to share the simple yet powerful message of thank you!

  7. Make a difference. Have all your favorite nonprofits received a gift this year? Is there an organization you admire that you could surprise with a first-time gift? How about taking time to organize a group volunteer activity for the first quarter of 2019 such as a packing session at Feed My Starving Children or preparing a meal at Ronald McDonald House?
  8. Soak up some warmth. One of our team’s favorite holiday traditions is the poinsettia show at the Como Conservatory. The show is stunning, and the Conservatory will warm you up – even on the coldest day!
  9. Celebrate with music! Listening to music is a joyous way to embrace the season. The Twin Cities has so many great musical groups performing concerts this time of year. Another favorite tradition of mine is relaxing by the Christmas tree with a glass of wine and holiday music.
  10. Tap into an easy way to meet up. Take advantage of the proliferation of taprooms for a casual and fun way to gather with friends. Indeed, Dual Citizen, Bad Weather, Broken Clock, and Urban Growler are some favorites.
  11. Kick start 2019! Have you been meaning to sign up for a volunteer opportunity or try a new hobby? Take a step this month towards getting those plans in place for the coming year. This week I signed up for my first triathlon – something which has been on my bucket list for a long time.
  12. Reflect on the highlights. Before ringing in the New Year, take time to acknowledge accomplishments and favorite aspects of 2018. Whether through journaling or conversations with loved ones, capture and celebrate those highlights and memories.

Welcome Aboard!

Ann Plans is thrilled to launch our partnership this month with the Guthrie Theater. We’re looking forward to the Guys and Dolls-themed Guthrie Gala on June 29, 2019, and we congratulate the Guthrie on their most recent season, which was the highest-grossing season in the theater’s 55 year history!

As I look back on 2018, I want to thank you again for making this year one to remember.

On behalf of everyone at Ann Plans, we wish you a joyous holiday season filled with traditions, celebrations, relaxation, and, just maybe, your favorite wish in a pear tree!

