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Breathe In, Breathe Out


Tis the Season of Transition

Like many of you, I am keenly aware of summer slipping away. My recent free time has been filled with outdoor activities such as a day at Valleyfair, resort stay in Grand Rapids, time at the pool and long bike rides.

With kids starting back to school, and the fall gala season starting to heat up, this is definitely a time of transition from the slower pace of summer to, “it’s time to get back to business.” And, with that transition can come a higher level of stress that sometimes feels overwhelming.

I don’t have kids, but with two Ann Plans events coming up the weekend immediately following Labor Day, it feels like our team is “getting back to school.” While I love the work I get to do, I confess that over the years I have had my share of sleepless nights fretting about event details.

Whatever this seasonal time of transition means for you, read on for our favorite stress-reduction practices.

Planning for Lower Stress

There is a reason the profession of “event planner” often appears on Top 10 Lists of the most stressful careers. We hope these tips provide some ammunition for not letting stress get the best of you!

  1. Focus on the big picture. When you find yourself feeling crazed about your multi-page to-do list, take a moment to remember that what you do matters. Think about the amazing experience your guests will have. Focus on the people who will benefit from the outcomes of your event.
  2. Prioritize. While the goal is to provide a seamless event experience, there are likely things you can let go of. Focus on the bigger impact items such as following up on pending guest registrations rather than scrambling to secure a handful of additional silent auction items.
  3. It’s a team effort! Remember that you are not alone. It takes a team to build a successful event. Delegate what you can, and stay in close communication with your team to support each other – and effectively divide and conquer.

    The client and vendor team for The Nature Conservancy’s Green Tie Affair
  4. Take some deep breaths. This really works! Closing your eyes and focusing on breathing in and out for even a few minutes can do wonders in taking the edge off of the stress.
  5. You’ve survived worse. Remind yourself of when you’ve navigated projects that were equally or maybe even more overwhelming. Trust from experience that all the important things will get done!
  6. Take a break. Take care of yourself on even the most hectic days by doing something to recharge. Making time for a walk, glass of wine with a friend, or your favorite TV show will calm your nerves and help you feel refreshed when it’s time to hit the punch list again.
  7. Celebrate! Don’t wait until after the event to start celebrating. Did you hit your sponsorship goal? Have you secured phenomenal live auction packages? Make it a point to acknowledge and celebrate successes with your team along the way.

    Cheers to you!
  8. Have fun! Most importantly, don’t put off having fun until after the hubbub leading up to the big night. Remind yourself to enjoy the journey of the planning process.

Welcome Aboard!

Did you know Goodwill-Easter Seals is a leader in workforce development and has been serving Minnesota for almost 100 years? We’re thrilled to be partnering with this fantastic organization on the early planning stages for their 100th Anniversary event in the fall of 2019. Stay tuned for details!

Whether you are closing out summer with a trip to the cabin or the State Fair, the Ann Plans team wishes you a holiday weekend of fun and recharging.

