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And, the Word of the Year Is…

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What’s the Word?

We hope your 2018 is off to an amazing start with plans to make this the best year ever.

The Ann Plans team is excited to introduce our word of the year: Elevate! We have kicked off the year with several meetings focused on strategies for elevating our clients’ events in 2018.

Read on to learn what we are talking about in those meetings.

Top Four Ways to Elevate Your Event

How can we ensure your event is well attended, achieves revenue goals, and provides an amazing guest experience?
And, how can we elevate your event to the status of being one of the most anticipated events in the community?

Here’s how!

  1. Drive Attendance. The best way to increase attendance is to increase the number of people extending personal invitations. Rally your Board, event committee and other passionate supporters to expand their strategic thinking of who to invite. Make those invitations as personal as possible including putting hand written notes inside the print invitations and doing phone call follow ups.
  2. Create a Buzz. Throughout your marketing, be intentional and creative in highlighting what makes your event fun, exciting and meaningful. The Red Hot Soirée benefiting the University of Minnesota’s Cardiovascular Division has been billed as “the hottest ticket in town.” What can you share through social media, online and print marketing that gets  your desired audience thinking your event is not to be missed?
  3. Nail the Program. Your program provides the greatest opportunity to inspire your guests. As our friend and colleague Glen Fladeboe of Fladeboe Auction says, “for every minute you spend on things like décor, food, and silent auction, spend 5 minutes crafting a tight, compelling, mission-focused program.”
  4. Amaze Your Guests. What can you add or change up to elevate the guest experience? This year the Minnesota Zoo rebranded their Beastly Ball to the Beastly Bash, and they are taking the event outdoors to immerse guests fully in the Zoo experience and provide more interaction with the animals. Spend some time thinking about what can make your event experience unique and memorable.

Welcome Aboard!

We are delighted to introduce our three newest clients: CommonBond Communities (May 18 GrandeGala), Minnesota Zoo Foundation (June 9 Beastly Bash), and University of Minnesota Foundation (September 7 Red Hot Soirée). Stay tuned for details on these upcoming events!

I invite you to make 2018 the best year yet by elevating those things that matter the most. Here’s to an amazing year!
