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A Total Immersion in Mission

It’s More Than Just a Party!

As we near the end of the Spring “high season” for fundraising events, I am struck by the creativity so many organizations are showing in ensuring “fun” and “fund” go hand-in-hand. One of the most significant Twin Cities fundraising event trends is the infusion of mission throughout the guest experience, from reception activities to the décor elements in the ballroom.

A highlight for the Ann Plans team this season was partnering with The Nature Conservancy on their biennial Green Tie Affair. This month we profile the recent Green Tie Affair as creative inspiration for making your next event as impactful as possible by being mission forward.

Making It Mission Forward

Guests at the Green Tie Affair on May 2 at The Depot in Minneapolis experienced a joyful and inspiring immersion into the world of water. This year’s theme, “water: our ripple effect,” set the stage for an evening focused on The Nature Conservancy’s clean water initiatives and the role we can all play in protecting our waters.

Kudos to the staff and event committee for hosting an evening that hit it out of the park in terms of both “fun” and “fundraising!”

  • Guests were transported to Itasca State Park via virtual reality to experience the sights and sounds of the Mississippi Headwaters. This three-dimensional experience was a first-time feature at the event, and was a huge hit!
  • The rainwater simulator demonstrated how water is filtered through different soil conditions, and how water is cleaner when plants and other vegetation are along shorelines to filter it.
  • At the Water Bar, guests sampled drinking water taken from Red Wing, Grand Rapids, Duluth and Minneapolis to taste the difference and learn where their water is sourced.
  • The ever-popular Green Tie Affair Contest invites guests to get creative with “wearing green.”
  • Participation in the reception activities was encouraged through the passport with the chance to win a Southeastern Minnesota cabin stay by getting stamps from at least three of the Passport Stations.
  • The canoe and props made this photo opportunity extra fun!
  • This irresistible moose is a constant at every Green Tie Affair.
  • The speakers and three-part video series provided impactful messaging around the interconnection of land and water, and how our health, recreation and economy all depend on keeping our Minnesota waters clean.
    Carla Vernón, President of the Natural & Organic Operating Unit at General Mills

    Doug Baker, Chairman & CEO at Ecolab
  • The centerpieces featured Minnesota-native shoreline restoration plants that are planted at conservation sites to help keep waters clean.
  • The event ended on a sweet note with Izzy’s mini ice cream cones handed out as guests headed home. Peppermint bon bon kept the green theme going through the end of the night!

See, there’s a reason why “fundraising” starts with “fun!” As you welcome in summer and start planning for fall events, we invite you to think creatively about ways to fill your next event with mission.

